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All about me

Stephen Cartledge's Biography


Stephen Cartledge was born in September 1958, in Dover, United Kingdom. 
When he left school in 1975 he was lost, had no direction the only thing he knew was, he did not want to be tied down in a dead end job here in Sheffield UK. He decided to travel Europe to find himself, what was his purpose in life. Whilst traveling he was living on the streets, the beaches, where ever he could rest that was him and he was happy, happy and free. One day I was given a book to read by a guy called David . David was just another traveller who entitled his book or should I say journal " To give gratitude to get what you want", WOW! I couldn’t believe he had wrote such powerful words. From that day on I've studied and used manifestation throughout my life and had some amazing results. In the early 2000's he lost everything, lost his direction and lost being in control.

Move on today, Stephen now lives in his own house built and planed with my Thai wife here in Northern Thailand. He studied Law of Attraction and NLP, and now he’s a fully certified practitioner.

The law of Attraction is once again a big part of my life. Now into my 60's I finally got down to write about my my journey using LOA.

Stephens first book;" Me, My journey, and the law of attraction" was written about his passion for travel, manifestation and the law of attraction. Stephens other passions when not writing are, Photography, travel and music.

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